Homerton - Music Vs Power

Homerton - Music Vs Power

If you have an account, you can log in to pre-fill this form with your information.

Required information is marked *


Name and email
Please avoid using 'all lowercase' or 'ALL CAPS'.
If you have a preferred first name which is different to your legal first name, please let us know.
Event Fee(s) *
Total for this participant
Alumni information
If you are not affiliated with the University of Cambridge, you can leave this section blank. You can find your number on the e-newsletter, your CAMCard or your CAM cover letter.
First College you attended at Cambridge
First year you studied at Cambridge
Access requirements
Please advise us of any mobility or access requirements.

How the College and University uses your data
The University of Cambridge is registered under the UK Data Protection Act and is committed to protecting your personal information. See the College data protection statement for details of how we process and hold your data.

Terms and conditions
Please read our event booking terms and conditions.

Homerton College data protection, terms and conditions